Wednesday, September 30, 2015

throwback week part 3!!!!!!!

Sorry for posting this so late, I was up trying to get action shots for the blog but, have not receive any yet plus all day people have been following and unfollowing on the instagram account. anyway, will post soon some action shots of people and today, I'm throwing back to some more SW guards enjoy!!!! also share this on instagram @itsaguardthingblogspot to help get the movement started

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Throwback week pt 2!!!

So today, I decided to show some of my favorite IA guards today for throwback week. hope you enjoy!!!!

Guard pic ♡

So I got board and edited one of the pics on this blog and created a collage of some colorguard people from instagram. I hope they like and check it out!!!!!!!!
 Also thank you to Marching arts photography and others for letting me use some of their pic in the collage will post some tomorrow on our instagram page and this blog 
Instagram: @itsaguardthingblogspot 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

So I found this poem.......

So I found this poem on a website and thought I should post it. There's a lot of talented colorguard people out there that really have amazing talents like writing and other things.
Ode to Color Guard
By EmilyMichelle, Manassas, VA
You are
Unknown to most,
A secret world
You are
Flags spinning,
Tossing, wrapping,
Sabers flying,
Rifles floating
From our hands,
To the sky
You are
Dancers dancing,
Floors unfolding,
Props set up and
Cheering crowds
You are
A deep breath in,
A long breath out,
Getting set
You are
Adrenaline pumping,
Excitement rushing
Through our hearts and minds
You are
Our Friday night out,
And Saturday too
You are
Our school year
And our summer
You are
Our life
You are
Color guard

Friday, September 25, 2015

Makeup tips

Here are some make up that everyone guard guy/girl should follow
Tip 1- when starting, always even out your face. Start with a fresh wash or moisturizer and then put on primer and foundation and buff or bake translucent or Foundation powder on top
Tip 2- look for ideas before you start putting your makeup on, make sure you have a great idea that goes with the theme, uniform, and attitude of the show.
Tip 3- don't over due on certain areas. if your skin is brown don't go vanilla chocolate if you understand what I mean. the only reason to go lighter is if your contouring your face and body.
Tip 4- define you features in your make up, make sure to get your highlights and bone structure to bring out that big look
Tip 5- DON'T use cheap make up on your face unless you want to break out and sweat it off
Tip 6- try to find waterproof make up. Remember, if it holds up to water it holds up to sweat. during a show run through you typically sweat a lot so, its best to have that.
Tip 7- Removers need to be on deck in case you mess up. A lot of people are sensitive to removers, if so, you can make a DIY remover yourself from home products.

Tip 8- clean up your look with a nice powder or spray, I use finishing powder to give my face a smooth look. some sprays if  run your make up, I'm not sure about all but I heard of some. 
Tip 9- use hairspray to hold your make up on longer. The sheen and gloss of the hairspray doesn't run unless sprayed to close to your face or to much on your face.
Tip 10-  clean yourself up. make sure that you don't have anything leftover on your face, that means no crumbs of any make up on your face or it would not look right.
hope this was helpful to you please share and subscribe for more and help get this page out there to all

Thursday, September 24, 2015

what to do when making outfits ?????

here are some things you should think about when doing/getting outfits for your show

1. field or indoor
        its always great to go with a what looks cool but, its different areas and elements your dealing with here. for outside you don't want an uniform to feel like you breathing through your skin, you want more comfortable and easy to move around in. For winterguard, you kind of want to have the opposite except also have it easy to move in. more material is good for outside, less material is good for inside.

        whatever the idea it's based on, you go with it.

        whenever you have a costume, you definitely want it to pop. A wish come true and Creative Costumes& designs have some of my favorite designs.

4. size
        Now lets  be real, there are several different sizes for different people. Be mindful for one another and take a measurement for everything. That means the length, width, and height  for everything visible .

Walk in you outfit with PRIDE, Pure Radiance In Delivering Everything. Don't let anything, anyone, or any object get in the way of rocking your outfit. in other words..... YOU BETTA SLAY!!!111111

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Great songs for a winterguard show

Woodkid - Run boy run
Bury me - Brondinski

Fka twigs - Figure 8,
Fka twigs - In time
Fka twigs - Water me
Nashville cast - I will never let you know
Patrick Watson - Turn into the noise
Stromae - Papaoutai
Stromae - Ave cesaria
Imogen heap - Listening chair
Pentatonix - Run to you
Nina Simone - Strange fruit
Nina Simone - Sinnerman
La Roux - Lay me down gently
La Roux - Uptight Downtown
Dawn - calypso
Dawn - Swim Free
Dawn - Projections
Dawn - Phoenix
Dawn - Blackheart (outro)
Alabama Shakes - Give me all your love
Paloma faith - Agony (Piano version )
Lykke li - No rest for the wicked

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


A good ole thanks to Kaitlyn from Tennessee who sent me these winter guard championships highlights videos she wanted me to post. I watch all of them and there were some good and bad one but, all in all, some really nice concepts going on. Its always good to see other winter guards that are not in your area. click on the links below to watch them!! Also, share this blog with your friends and fellow color guard people, I would really appreciate it. I'm trying to get this blog going so thousands of people can see what's going on in other places in the U.S. or even across the world!!! ( you can tell I have big aspirations) CIPA Highlights MEPA Highlights TCGC highlights 4  TECA Highlights MYCGC Highlights MCGC Highlights FFCC Highlights GCGPC Highlights

Monday, September 21, 2015

Ten things every guard kid needs

10. electrical tape-this  is a necessity that everyone needs in case of an emergency
9.nail polish remover- you never know when you  have to change your nail color
8.jazz shoes/foot thongs- just in case you forget. its much needed

7.Bobby pens- these things save lives........... LIVES.
6. ponytail holders- not only are they used for your hair, they're very essential to your flag
5. makeup- there is never a performance where you shouldn't look beat to perfection  
4. makeup remover- just in case you mess up in the process
3. Spanks- you can never ever, ever go wrong with them there an essential
2. candy- this is what gets the people going!!!" -Chazz Michael Michaels 

And #1. Headphones!!!!!- you can't go a trip without them!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

people are copying!!!

so recently, I was talking to my friend about football season and she brought up the topic of schools copying shows. I have been a victim of this all my four years of high school. My freshman year marching show was copied by a team that live in the next town( its literally a 10 min drive), the sophomore year winter guard show I help with was mostly copied by a team in Texas who we saw and they did a horrible job at it, my junior year marching show routine was copied, and my senior year winter guard show is now OFFICIALLY COPIED by some team in upper Texas team and lied and said they "originally" thought of it, OK YEA, so I am suppose to believe you got the exact same costume and did my opening AND did our rifle tosses ( but  failed) AND ALSO come to the show we did with notes on what we did!?!?!?!?!? With all that being said, to all those people who want to copy shows down to the T ( that means exactly ), I have one thing to say........

                     DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!


tell me your story about color guard whether good or bad at so I can post on this blog for everyone to know. trust me, your identity will not be use

Friday, September 18, 2015

Leanna's story

This is leanna's story on how colorguard changed her life

" I was fourteen years old in the 8th grade. Not knowing anything about colorguard or what it was, I was going through my last year of middle getting ready for highschool. At this point, i was not playing any kind of activities, didn't do any hobbies other than sleep and hang with friends, and also had a deep relationship with food. I really LOVED food!!!! Everyday i was hearing from my mom about how i should get out and do some stuff. I didn't listen and i didn't care literally, i didn't care. At this moment, I did palyed music and I felt some way about it. I wanted be apart of it but it was not my thing, I felt out of place with it like i wanted more.  So, one night the middle school band had a night were we played with the highschool students. I was pretty excited about it I mean , really excited like super excited. It was just great being apart of a marching band before i start marching, just...... one thing..... was off... there was two dance teams in the stands. I was little weird seeing that but, i didn't care. Around half time, we were ask to stay and watch the show by our band teacher so i thought what show? Its football? Why? But, i was curious and decided to stay. The highschool marching band was about to play during the halftime and I was so ready to see them play. As they marched on the field, i see this group with flags and rifle on the field and it look pretty strange until i started watching it. Then, They gave me LIFFFEEE!!! It was like watching a giant painting come to life also, thats when i realized that it was one of the two dance team up there. I wanted to do what they were doing so bad but, didn't know what to call it so i ask my teacher about them and he said its call colorguard and explained it to me. I was so happy to know what it was that was, i dreamed about it being on that field putting on show. Then, months passed and I was about leave middleschool  and saw the tryout sheets up i took one and told my mom. She was pretty excited because use to be one and never decided to tell me. The day of the first tryout had my nerves on edge . I had butterflies in my stomach but, soon to realized it wasn't so bad. The practice was the funnest practice ever. Everybody there was happy and chilled as we learned how to do this. Then, the final day came, the fatal audition. The highschool band director hired the best instructors in Georgia. It went from being easy to wanting to run in a matter of seconds. They staired at us for the whole time we did our audition work and it was pretty nerve-wracking. after we were done, they told us to come back in a couple of hours. My heart was beating and i felt like having heart attack, so i fell asleep thinking it would help, it didn't. Soon, i was woken up by my mom screaming sence i missed the audition results  (i overslept ). All my friends who tried out was texting me and soon i was screaming too. My mom found out from the other moms who daughters tried out and i was notified  over text. All of my emotions came out in one day and i felt really good about myself. Being apart of a team never gave me so much excitement. I knew this had to be the best time of my whole life. Years later, I had graduated did all 4 years on guard and 3 years on winterguard and now in college and I'm  still doing colorguard, i have so much more to do in guard and bigger and brighter things to do with guard!"

Leanna from Georgia

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

on October 4 will be the first time I will try out for a independent WORLD GUARD!!! Being on a world guard is one of my goals I wanted to set  in life because its so advanced, like literally, my non-guard friends find it harder to understand how I  do it every time I go out there. So, with that being said, I just hope for the best I mean, I REALLY WANT TO GO TRY OUT and to go to WGI and just perform. Now, I want to know some guard stories of yours!! If its funny, if its shady, if its good,bad, weird, or even gross, I don't care, I just want to know your story and post it on this blog so everyone to know. So, send your story to with your name (first only) and state and Ill try to post it on this blog for me and everyone to read!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I want to show you guys some of my favorite and best winter guard shows I have seen and been apart of  in my local area my worst winter guard show/ my first show that was done my sophomore year (not in) this was dedicated to a good friend (wish I was apart of) my instructor did this show and performed it
and last but not least the fist show I ever watch

to start off this blog I thought it would be nice to show you guys some stuff me and my friends were about to make into a shirt for color guard team that we were on (until we graduated). its just some ideas that we had laying around. the purple looking one is one I created online that I shaded  over with a couple of tints and a filter from my phone .