Thursday, November 12, 2015

kerry's story

I've heard of a lot of thing happening with guard people from dropping, hitting someone with a rifle, dropping a single, and even having the instructor yell at someone. You can really name almost anything we have heard of it.......... except for one,

This is Kerry
She is from Brick memorial highschool 
and her team really must be awesome because she to told us that she made her guard instructors cry after a performance
She sent us this 
"So we had just came off the field from met life and when we did we put our equipment down and went to have a meeting then the whole team went to my instructors and they  started to drown them selves in tears and then we took pictures and eventually it was time to recover awards and we were announced best color guard!!!!"
This is literally overwhelming so much its making me cry, but in actuality, you definitely deserve the praise you got because you and your team are so awesome!!!!!

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