Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Get ready for marching season

With the DCI Championships in three weeks, summer is almost over and marching season it's about to begin. A lot of you are not ready and are want it to be summer again but we can't, all we can do is prepare for it. These are some things to start doing to get ready for marching season madness

set an alarm

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everyone knows about morning practice and how much it sucks to literally wake up and go to school to practice on the damp, groggy fields. To help you get prepared for those days, set an alarm on your clock or your phone so you can get the hang of waking up

work out your schedule

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you need to definitely work on a fixed schedule so you can have time for homework and other things in your life like sleep.

say goodbye to non-band friends

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they don't understand that you have to give your 110% to band so if that means random practices or most of your time devoted to a band show, then that's what it is

stock up on pain killers and things for soreness

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it's gonna hurt so you might wanna start by buying some sooner

drink plenty of water 

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water is life, you need it so start drinking it now so you can be up and ready for marching season

grab all the bug spray

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especially for the mosquitoes because mosquitoes are getting bad out here and you do not want to be a zika virus carrier 


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a good stretch could do wonders on your body and could really improve your lumbar and makes stronger than what you were 

catch all the sleep you can

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with scheduling time, schedule in some sleep so you won't feel so tired every time practice starts

get ready to make up all of your class'

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you will have to make up almost all of your classes work especially when Fridays are test days and football games "love to be scheduled on the same day"

have fun

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that's all you can do, it's not that hard, just enjoy!!

I hope you guys like this post if you have any comments, questions, or concerns please let me know

Friday, July 15, 2016

Guard of the week- Weatherford High School

This week's Guard of the week is

 Weatherford Colorguard 

from Weatherford, Texas

Weatherford Colorguard is a guard determined guard that is pushing through for their Goals. They had a Good run last year, placing  3rd place for their guard stand still at the Sounds of Springtown Marching Competition, first place for their marching show "Caravan",  5th place at the NTCA Regional A  championship after the director quit mid-Winterguard season(That took some determination), and also having 6 people go to solo and ensemble with 5 getting ones and 3 of those qualified for state. 
In the past year, they have had some trials and tribulations, going through 5 directors quitting on them due to the school district being really unpleasing. But, they never fell apart and stayed committed together as a family. With marching season coming up they have hired a new director who will hopefully stay with them.
With all the difficulties of losing directors and staying strong through it all, I can surely see an awesome and better year for these guys

Congrats Guard of the week

Weatherford High School

Check them out in action: