Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Colorguard Confession pt2

So I did not expect all the stories  you guys shared to be Sent in overwhelmingly like it did and I have to say, I'm very appreciative of that so......... I decided lets do another one. Here are 10 more stories from you guys all anonymous and very juicy!!! Enjoy!!!

10-we have this one girl in guard who is very open about herself (and can sometimes be very sexual). so one night after a game the whole guard go into the bathroom to change. the girl was talking about how she doesn't wear a bra with her uniforms because you can see it (but you really can't) and so I look over at her and she's shirtless without a bra in a public restroom and people are just staring at her and our captain started yelling at her because everyone already hates the guard

9-So my funny guard story is one time at guard when I used to have glasses we were in the middle of a run through and I hit myself in the face so my glasses broke. So I'm in the middle of the floor with broken glasses and my instructor was yelling for me to go off the floor but I couldn't hear her over the music and I couldn't see her so I said "I can't hear you o don't save my glasses on" and that became a joke with my guard and they always make fun of me for it even outside of practice

8-My story is: two years before i joined guard there was a guard a class and the band director never payed attention to them and one day he walled in the "guard closet"   and saw a rifle craked down the middle he walked out the room with it and the guard girls thought they were in trouble and he was joking with them and slammed the rifle on the floor and it shattered and he walked to his office and slammed the door messing with them and they stood there like should i clean it up or is he gonna clean it up.....(they werent the brightest guard girls ever)

7-My guard captain is a raging bitch. She just got captain but I've known her before and she has to always be right and if she's not then that person who is arguing against her just somehow turns into a bully  and after every bad show she cries and goes avoids the group because shes a drama queen and her moms an enabler. She avoids confirmation because she cries if someone actually has a valid point against hers (which is all the time btw). So that's fun.Idk this turned into a rant session lol

6-Ok here it goes so my first year in guard I have two captains. One of which have a boyfriend on the team and that was a big no no so she tried to keep it a secret but failed. And it caused a ton of problems for our team. And some how our coach didn't find out. One day my captain and her boyfriend got mad at someone on the team and ditched practice. I was the last one to see them before they left practice so my coach asked me if I knew why they left and I told her the whole story and my captain and her boy friend got kicked off because of me... Worst part is she was my best friend

5-So we were warming up before a game, and we were practicing our tosses under some trees  where the people couldn't see us in the stands. It's kind of dark and hard to see plus our poles were black. I had a solo helicopter toss in the show and I was warming up under the trees. I tossed my helicopter and it ended up going higherThan I expected so it hit the tree above me and then came back down and hit me square in the head. I fell to the ground and blacked out for a couple seconds. But i had to go on the field or the formations would be off. So I go on to perform and I'm dizzy. So at one point I have two eight counts to make it all the way across the field. I'm doing good and running as gracefully as possible until i face plant right on the field In front of everyone

4-So the craziest thing thats happened to me in my guard expirence was this past year, we were at a hotel for an overnight competition (the place was 4 hours away from where we lived and we had 2 comps so we stayed the night there) anyways it was about 11 at night and everybody was jacked up on sugar. Our coach called us into the boys room for a meeting before we went to bed, amd my friend and i noticed halfway between her speach that the bead and wall had a little opening and she dared me to crawl in there. Anyways i did and i ended up getting stuck. It was a very tight squeeze and i couldnt get out and we had to call hotel staff to get me out (they had t unscrew the bed from the wall) that was pretty crazy. Also earlier that night we were in the hallway playing cards against humanity and an older couple passed us gave us a speach on sex education and showed us pictures of bigfoot they had taken

3-My second year of guard me and a couple of friends were warming up in the endzone. We were all on weapon line and were running chunks together. We got tired so took a stretching break, but then our director called us over and told us to look over at a few of the freshman who were working together. She then proceeded to tell us we needed to be more like them and that we were bringing the whole guard down by not working

2-My luckiest but frustrating exprience i had in guard life: when i am still newbie in the band, i got close to my coach. One time, he complains about having short on people for his Colour Guard show. I playfully offer my self and sure that he will denied it. But instead, he told me to have a trial the next day! I'm surprised and happy but scared at yhe same time. He then test me by making me do a few kinds of 45 toss (note that one of them is very hard and not for newbie). Me and my lucky shots, i can catch them all in one try.. idk how i could do it, but i did it. All i done is copy them. Even my coach have to practice for a week to do 45 tosses. Then i got in to the Colour guard show, which the practices is driving me crazy.

1-Okay, so one time my guard was at championships and there was this one show with a really cute guy soloist so like any normal people would...we decided to stalk them and we found their instagram and youtube channel and everything in their bio it said they were gay which we knew was a possibility  but we all got rlly upset but didn't care that much and we made up ship names and our moms probably thought we were insane.  anyway, later on we were going to this clinic for a world guard where u go all day and learn skills and we found this rlly cute guy there who was also gay (his boyfriend was also on the team, goalz ) anyway we obsessed over him found his instagram snapchat and I think one of the girls found his youtube. Stalker skills on fleek Btw we were cadets 

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