Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Colorguard Confession

Whether you know it or not, we all have a good story. Some are cute, funny, interesting, or even crazy!!! Here are my top 10 favs you guys sent

My funniest moment in guard would have to be in the middle of competition season and I decides to drink two larges Gatorade's before our performance...lets just say that I had to hold my bladder for a 6 minute performance and then 3 more minutes to pack up the tarp and change into warm ups
One time I got into a fight with this other guardee because she was loud and obnoxious when we were coming home from a long comp day. She ended up telling our instructors and got me in trouble the next day. so I accidentally got a stain on my silk replaced her flag with mine and no one ever knew️ #crazyguardmoments
A crazy thing we did in guard was actually 2 things. We went to a huge parade and there was a concert with Enrique Iglesias and we asked our choreographer if we could "go to the restroom." WE WENT TO THE CONCERT AND WERE LIKE LESS THAN 500 FEET AWAY. We then heard Laura Marano from the show Austin and Ally was there. WE WENT AND MET HER AS A GUARD WITH OUR CHOREOGRAPHER AND TOOK PICTURES AND HUGGED HER AND SHE CALLED US BEAUTIFUL. Did I mention it was my FIRST YEAR in guard?? I am now a lieutenant, my second year and am hoping that at the next parade we'll meet more celebrities
At practice after school, this girl climbed into a tree. She was there for a while when we decided to throw her a flag. She messed around and almost fell out. She couldn't get down and my instructor didn't know what to do. She finally got down to one of the lower branches and jumped. It freaked my instructor out
So on our way to an away game. Me and my friend had to finish our make up. She couldn't put on fake eyelashes so I did them for her. Unfortunately we were on a bumpy school bus. And her bottom and top eyelashes got glued together. She was really worried but I just kept telling her it was going to be alright.
Once my instructor made a really really really big deal of count loud (4th day of band camp and their were lots of newbies). But we started doing some of the work on the field with the band during a run through... And I didn't hear them say stop (and the work we were doing had head work that didn't really allow me to be look at the drum majors during the time of their stopping) and I was counting soo loud a good 15 counts after I realized that we had stopped and the band was all looking at me. And our press box where our director sits is really far away and can never hear us yelling up to him during practice for questions... And the got on the intercom and said "well there's a new side of you ever have never seen... Nor ever heardddd before" ... And the wholllle band was staring at me laughing...it was so bad.
My crazy scary guard moment was when I was applying for captain I was so nervous I was number 11 out of 17 when they called my name I forgot everything I was so nervous I kind of pee myself haven't told nobody still
During winter season me and a couple friends saw a really cute guy from another guard. A lot of girls from other guards that he was cute too. But girls would go crazy over him and scream his name. I guess he told his instructor. The instructor told a lot of others that he was uncomfortable from all the attention and that we had to stop "fan grilling" over him. He pretty much thought people were stalking him. Someone even made a fan page of him.
This is a story my friend told me. She was a freshman at the time. She walked into her room during band camp and went into the bathroom and she saw one of her roommates and a drum major doing things in the shower. They then proceeded to ask her if she wanted to join and of course she declined.
During my first season spinning I got a lift type of solo thingy. I was supposed to run and jump and another girl would catch me and lift me up. Then I would do a back bend from there. Well one time we were doing this, I accidently kneed her in the stomach while jumping up but she caught me. While I was dropping down into the back bend thought, she dropped me on my head and peed on the floor and almost on me too.

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