Friday, January 29, 2016

Guard of the week - Belton honea Path High School


This week guard of the week is.......

Belton Honea Path Colorguard
      from Belton, SC
 As you can see, they are a really decent band with a lot of potential and a lot goofiness.  with seventeen members of there guard, they act more of family and relatives and of a guard team
like no other
 I'm gonna just guess that they take so many selfies everytime they practice because that's what it looks like to me plus that's what guard families do, they love each other as much as they show it.

This is not a Color Guard Team,
they are a guard family

An as a family, they make the most of there precious time with there team
Guard of the week's
Belton Honea Path high school
here are some footage of them in action

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Trying to make guard?

This week, a girl dm me on Instagram and ask me if I can help her audition for guard by giving her some tips. I decided again, why not make a post on it, so I hope this helps this lovely girl an help her make her life better, by joining and making guard.

10. Be  positive

positivity is key, no stressing out and saying "its alright" is the best thing you can do because once you start, you will be scared and want to back out so like the song says,

9. Stretch

there is literally a song out there by Pharrell and this group,Watch the duck, that gets you amp up and stretched. I sing it every time I dance or go to an audition, it helps

8. Stay Calm

whatever you do, all you have to do is remain calm. Its going to get super hard and you will want to quit but all you have to do is relax and remember, you want this!!!

7. focus

focus on yourself and the audition instructor. Try to do better every time you work on something because auditions are already extremely hard if your new to guard, then all it takes is one mistake to throw you off your goal

6. give everything a try twice

don't give up after one try and just think its over guard is literally TRIAL and ERROR I think that's why we practice so much so just get into to it and....

5. don't get nervous

I don't care if your nerves are bad, you got yourself all worked up, or you are just not ready, getting nervous is one of the worst things you can do. So remember don't get nervous, get excited

4. listen

that's all you have to do is just do like you should do and listen

3. don't talk

like seriously, shut up, instructors hate that so just shut up.

2. practice

practice makes Beyoncé ok aka perfection, aka flawless, aka GREAT!!!

1. don't quit

that's the last thing on your mind to do because you will regret every single moment of quitting

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trying to be Captain?

Someone asked me yesterday to give them advice oh trying to be captain I decided to make a post on that helping all the people who want it to go for it because I always dreamed of being a leader in guard an I didn't get that chance like everyone else to do it right so hopefully this will help you on your goals

5. Close to perfection

Honestly, everyone on guard looks up to this person, so if you want to be that person, you have to have everything close to perfection, literally
              spinning, dancing, having technique, and literally having every thing close to    

4. background

Most instructors check who you are as a person and your past time on guard, what that means is if you work hard, really great at learning, stay focus, and have a strong, positive attitude through out your pass time on guard, you are most likely gonna to be captain or at least an officer but you never know if your past can get you in trouble, so be wise now and maybe you will be successful in the future
Image result for what you do in the past the future will thank you for

3. physicality

I'm sorry to say this but, you have to work way harder than everyone else on guard(obviously) and even as you think you can be a great captain, you have to show you can be a better than great as a captain. In your mind you may want to be captain but, do you show that your an awesome captain??
Image result for work hard play harder

2. determination

success is the key- Dj Khaled
literally, if you are not determined then you are not going to get it, it is as simple as that.
Image result for dj khaled key

1. show your best

every time you  step out on the field, the floor, the practice room, the band hall, the gym, or anywhere else that you practice or perform go all out, don't leave anything intact, go hard or go home, that's all you have to do and you will be amazing and then they will consider you
for captain

Image result for give it your all or nothing at all quote

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Opinion On

yesterday, I told people to ask me about some things so I can share my opinion them. I got to do almost half of the ones I wanted to answer and I wanted to finish answering peoples questions. mind you that some people did not want to be named or tagged so names will stay private but the ones that do I did tagged them so they can have an answer but none of the question will have the name by it so its anonymous.

this is kind of personal for me because I was a newbie on guard and I caught on quickly to things so they automatically wanted me to be on rifle but I didn't do winterguard so, I was hated because I was a guy ( there was a lot of radical remarks said to me in high school) but to that I say two tears in a bucket there not on my face so.... well, you know the rest. people are going to judge and hate you because your better so, let them be there selves and don't let them knock your shine
 I think that pressure is put on captains because captains are the leaders and the backbones of the guard and as the backbone you should hold up the guard and help them to be a unit and stick together and work hard to make the whole team better

They are gonna need there captain one day and if they keep focusing on themselves they are not gonna make it that far.  Also, I get that some captains can be really prudent and rude to there team but remember, you can handle it in a grown up way 



Its all on how you feel when you spin, if you feel more relax with rifle, your a rifle person. If you feel more relax with sabre, your a sabre person and if you just feel uncomfortable with both then I don't know what to tell you.

I think its great we are getting the fundamental of guard out there to everyone and not just band people, I would love to see more of America appreciate guard as a sport and just help get it out there to the world.

 Its sad that people don't support theirs and say that guard is gay and all the other outrageous things. Guard does not make you anything but a great, disciplined, hardworking, and overachieving person and parents shouldn't judge you for that.

HBCUs and HBHS ( historical black colleges and university and historical black high school) are some of the most entertaining guards out there !!!! even though they are not in our circuits and in our views of attention ( meaning we don't focus on them) doesn't mean they are not great !!!!


I think its great that wgi and dci are based on equality and that everyone on these teams have equal opportunities to be in the group or corps of their choice. I would really love to see more all black and more black people apart of the WGI and DCI circuits and be more involved in the main circuit not saying there aren't any but its kind of rare to see more than one every other team and I hope that can change one day.

I think if they can spin correctly and by correctly I mean toss right, not lobbed, free arms are correct, and caught properly then props to them, there training is done right and all they need to do is stay focus on there basic and keep working hard.

I hope I have answered everyones question and Im glad to give my opinions and see people react positively to all of my opinions, hopefully I can do this again one day and if you have any thing to say about the post please message me on the Instagram page and we can talk about it on there.   

Friday, January 22, 2016

Guard of the Week- Edmond North ColorGuard


This week's Guard of the Week is..........

Edmond North Color Guard from Edmond, Oklahoma.
This guard has to be one of the most dedicated guard I have seen yet,!!!!! This group of kids work long and hard to get to where they are now, having in 2015 three consecutive 1st place, one second place, and the fan favorite award of there division.
 and with there dedication, comes struggles. this year, even as much of a family they are, they had lost not one but two directors before the fall season started

"we started the season and made it to about two weeks before band camp, our directors (one was marching cavaliers) and one was with us, had a barbecue and they face timed the one marching and broke the news to us that not only are they not directing us any longer, But they are moving to another state the next day. They left us with the lovely lady we call our director now( she was a freshman in college, and had never directed a guard before). Well she had came as a tech, but ended up with a guard! Who would of thought? And our amazing captain did most of the heavy lifting while our new director was figuring out what to do. Our seniors have never had the same directors longer than 2 seasons, well almost two seasons. I just want to give
Them an amazing senior year and maybe have some people see us! We would just love it!"



this is the definition of family-

 they, as a group, may not have it all, but they have it all together

this guard has so much strength in there spirit, I'm feeling their love and humbleness as I am writing this!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that Edmond Can find A long lasting Director and more dedicated guard captains like the one this year.
Congratulations Guard of the week......

Edmond North ColorGuard!!!


here are there shows

Thursday, January 21, 2016


This year I told myself that this will be the year for this blog and now I'm gonna make that happen. I have more exciting stuff for you coming in for this year but for right no i will tell you a little bit of what going to go down

New stuff in the storefront
I am creating new things for the new year including DCI and WGI inspired clothing for you guys
Team clothing
I want to get into designing clothing for groups and Different teams to help spread IAGT out there to other people and also show some of my creative talent to everyone
More contest
People have been asking for anotherone so i will do another in February and some later on to come i will Probably give away some awesome with contest so it could be even more fun
Changing of the chat session
Starting February 1st, chat session will be on sunday evenings or Thursday evenings depending on what you guys choose
More stuff to interact with you guys
I want tmall of us to get to know each other and this year i want more o interactive things with you guys
And many, many more
This year i will be bringing my A game and try to get this blog out there its just the beginning but this no time to waste and I want yall to help and be apart of the working progress so share this blog with your friends and fellow guardies and help get this page out there to all
If you have any questions at all, don't be afraid to ask. You can email me:
Kik: itsaguardthingblog  or DM on instagram: @__itsaguardthing__ and i will get back to you as soon as possible