Thursday, January 14, 2016

Kendricks story

 I really want to get this heart felt  guard story out there to everyone because of how this could impacted anybody's life, whether in guard or not, everyone should share this to someone they feel should hear it.....


This is Kendrick


His heart felt story could change people and I just knew I had to get his story to share to everyone

"Before color guard i had went through a lot with coming out to my mom and everyone in my school  and then I found a way to escape from all of the horrible thoughts in my head and go to a place of beauty in a completely new world.Color guard for me has been the one thing in my life that I have completely 100% sure about. Before that, I was doing ROTC and choir and was like " I have no idea what I'm gonna do with my future maybe choir",  hell i didn't even know what color guard was but when I found out about it from my best friend I was immediately drawn to it and decided I'm doing this for the rest of my life and I'm so glad that everyone in my family is supporting me because I feel like I can truly be myself no matter what secrets I have."


For that Kendrick, I Salute  you

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