Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Opinion On

yesterday, I told people to ask me about some things so I can share my opinion them. I got to do almost half of the ones I wanted to answer and I wanted to finish answering peoples questions. mind you that some people did not want to be named or tagged so names will stay private but the ones that do I did tagged them so they can have an answer but none of the question will have the name by it so its anonymous.

this is kind of personal for me because I was a newbie on guard and I caught on quickly to things so they automatically wanted me to be on rifle but I didn't do winterguard so, I was hated because I was a guy ( there was a lot of radical remarks said to me in high school) but to that I say two tears in a bucket there not on my face so.... well, you know the rest. people are going to judge and hate you because your better so, let them be there selves and don't let them knock your shine
 I think that pressure is put on captains because captains are the leaders and the backbones of the guard and as the backbone you should hold up the guard and help them to be a unit and stick together and work hard to make the whole team better

They are gonna need there captain one day and if they keep focusing on themselves they are not gonna make it that far.  Also, I get that some captains can be really prudent and rude to there team but remember, you can handle it in a grown up way 



Its all on how you feel when you spin, if you feel more relax with rifle, your a rifle person. If you feel more relax with sabre, your a sabre person and if you just feel uncomfortable with both then I don't know what to tell you.

I think its great we are getting the fundamental of guard out there to everyone and not just band people, I would love to see more of America appreciate guard as a sport and just help get it out there to the world.

 Its sad that people don't support theirs and say that guard is gay and all the other outrageous things. Guard does not make you anything but a great, disciplined, hardworking, and overachieving person and parents shouldn't judge you for that.

HBCUs and HBHS ( historical black colleges and university and historical black high school) are some of the most entertaining guards out there !!!! even though they are not in our circuits and in our views of attention ( meaning we don't focus on them) doesn't mean they are not great !!!!


I think its great that wgi and dci are based on equality and that everyone on these teams have equal opportunities to be in the group or corps of their choice. I would really love to see more all black and more black people apart of the WGI and DCI circuits and be more involved in the main circuit not saying there aren't any but its kind of rare to see more than one every other team and I hope that can change one day.

I think if they can spin correctly and by correctly I mean toss right, not lobbed, free arms are correct, and caught properly then props to them, there training is done right and all they need to do is stay focus on there basic and keep working hard.

I hope I have answered everyones question and Im glad to give my opinions and see people react positively to all of my opinions, hopefully I can do this again one day and if you have any thing to say about the post please message me on the Instagram page and we can talk about it on there.   

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