Thursday, January 7, 2016

(Contest winner) rebecca k's story pt3


For her 3rd and last part to her 3 part story she wanted to share some of the best and greatest times she had in high school marching band.

Favorite memories from marching band:
•There were Geese out on the field, a few members of the band cashed them, then we saw more geese coming and someone shouted "OH MY GOD! THEY GOT REINFORCEMENTS!"
•The band director, Mr. Lynch, got so mad at the marching band my freshman year, he jumped so much on the podium that the vibration caused his new iPhone to take a nose dive off the podium and hit the cement, shattering his phone.
•Some seniors took our drill instructor's (we call him King Ken or K-Sad) drill book and took all the pages out and left a ransom note saying “if you ever want to see your drill again, you have to do a full color guard routine complete with flag and dance.” He went into the guard closet picking up a flag and he went up to the guard with that flag and said “this is how it should be done!” He got into our angry bird stance and did a small routine with the flag. The guard was chanting “TOSS IT!” and he did, and he caught it!
• we got Mr. Lynch to wear pink war paint on his face during Band Camp because it was Wednesday and of course on Wednesday's we wear pink.
•after my very last competition, one of the freshmen came up to me and literally drew on my face with lipstick. She said it was abstract art

I really do enjoy listening to Rebecca's story because she shows the true reason why we all do colorguard and why we put hours and hours of love, passion, blood sweat, and tears into our work and learning more every single day, I hope more and more people like here follow there goal in colorguard and achieve the greatest that they want to be


If you want to share a memory like Rebecca's email me at:, kik: itsaguardthingblog, or follow this page on Instagram @__itsaguardthing__ and DM your story

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