Wednesday, April 13, 2016

senior leaving guard

Its around that time again, when seniors are graduating and leaving high school behind them to explore the things and goals they want to do in life. But, before every senior leaves, there are a couple of things we do. I've done this when I left guard and I'm sure you all will do this when you leave.

5. Get emotional

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There will always be one thing every senior will miss, for guard, I think everyone will miss the adventures, fun times, and good memories but, there will always be that one thing that will get you emotional. That one thing makes you want have all sorts of emotion from laughing, to crying tears of joy and that's the emotions we bring with us forever an ever.

4. Go on Audition

Image result for Colorguard auditions
As everyone knows, it doesn't stop at high school for most. A lot of guard kids go on and audition for college guards, DCI guards or independent guards. This is usually were your money is probably going to go.

3. take equipment

Image result for Color Guard equipment
I'm not the only one who has taken a couples flags, a rifle, or a sabre when I left. This is natural for guard kids to do, unless your guard is flat out broke then I dot know what to tell you, sorry.

2. Gain memories

Image result for Colorguard family
"with every single touch you make a memory". This quote means the world to me, When I was in high school my guard wasn't the best of friends but I did my best to work with them. I made some great memories with even some of my worst enemies and that's really all that matters, making great memories.

1. Going full out

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Every guard likes to be successful but, Its the seniors that really want it as bad as ever. They push just as hard as the instructors and the officers push them and the whole team. So, next time when a senior gets mad, think about how bad they want it and try to understand that you all should want it as bad as them.

I hope you guys like this post, if you have a comment, question, or concern, please don't be afraid ask
via kik: itsaguardthingblog, Dm on Instagram: @__itsaguardthing__, or email:

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