Monday, February 29, 2016

Guard Hacks

There always that one situation where something breaks, rips, or messes up well, I have found the key to almost everything. These are some things to have on you in case of an accident.

6. hair bands

Image result for goody hair rubber bands
hair bands can fix a list of stuff including:
  • fix rip silks
  • hold equipment together (trust it works)
  • organizes your guard bag
  • separates your equipment from others

5. lotion

Image result for lotion

Ok, I know this sounds this sounds weird but lotion have saved my life. If you just lotion your hands at least 30 minutes before a getting ready to perform(at the least 30 not 15 minutes close to performing), you will more likely chance of not getting calyces and bruises plus, it keeps your skin soft.

4. baby powder

Image result for body powder
I know, another weird one but every time you go to the gym or watch a body lifter some where, they always dust there hands in baby powder to help prevent cracking skin and sweaty palms so, by guard terms, it will do the same also, you can use it to keep from slipping on your tarp  if your team goes barefoot.

3. electric tape

Image result for electric tape
there are so many ways to use electric tape like
  • using it as a Band-Aid
  • hold equipment together
  • taping up the hole in your guard shoe( I just save you money on a new pair of guard shoes)
  • marking your spot on the tarp
  • holding a rip in your silk
  • holding a rip in you uniform
  • keep the ball of your foot protected  ( I never got a calyces ever again after learning that )
  • helps you turn
  • and etc..
so if you don't know by know........ electric tape is life !!!!

2. maxi pads

                            Image result for maxi pads

I know at least half of the girls on guard have these things so why not use them to your advantage.
I use them to pad my rifle tip and Butt, but also as a gauze in case I need to apply pressure to a wound
or even clean up makeup or nail polish and yes, it works if you add make up remover or nail polish remover on it.

1. baby wipes

Image result for baby wipes travel

You don't need to buy that expensive make up remover just to remove make up, just go grab some baby wipes, they work just the same .

I hope this post helps you as much as it helped me
if you have any post ideas, questions, comment, and concerns just email me : , kik: itsaguardtthingblog, or DM me on the Instagram page : @__itsaguardthing__ 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Guard of the week - holliday High school Varsity Colorguard

 This week's guard of the week is.......

 Holliday High School Varsity Colorguard

From  Holliday, Texas
 They have been a hard work driven team since 2007-2015 ,excluding 2011, placing 1st or 2nd at there marching competitions.

There 2014-2015 school year guard consisted of 12 girls. One starting her 4th year, three on their 2nd year, and eight having their first year in guard. The winterguard started in Regional A (right above Novice), then got bumped to Scholastic A. Since then, they won in 2015 and 2014 and got bumped again to National A(scholastic A) for the 2016 year, becoming the first small school in Texas to ever compete at National A level . In the past few years, the guard has been the top scoring 3A guard in the state and they've also managed to have the top score over 4A schools as well. The guard only has one instructor mainly and then another person who will come and help clean at a few practices so our guard staff only consist of two people. For the work of two people, this is pretty amazing!!
Together, this guard seem unstoppable accomplishing everything in there pathway and knocking down every obstacle in there way, while staying determined on having there goals accomplish .
Guard of the week

Holliday high school Varsity Colorguard

here is some of there work in action

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Guard Show Throwack pt 2

This week for guard show throwback I wanted to go back to 1987 with some popular shows from back in the day

Union High school 1987
The Mannequin
Odyssey 1987
Name: Unknown
Adonis 1987
Mozart's years
1987 Blackhawks
Miller's blackhawks

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Guard Is Fam/ KA Rage story

So last night, I posted someone's guard confessions and it really effected a lot of people in a negative way. I just want to say, they are there own person and if that's what they wanted to confess that then so be it but, I will say that I did think it was mean its just that I have to act as a median for the page and stay the man in the middle. Tonight, I wanted to share someone's story of there guard and experience in guard because I do believe  GUARD... IS.... FAM!!!


So this Guard is literally a family and have been through everything together

"Our guard's story can basically be summed up by the song "started from the bottom now we're here" BC we sucked but we over came of problems and got 2nd place at the peach bowl in our 1st year of competing. We've gotten superior ratings at districts for marching and indoor guard for over 30 years now. Our guard is called "the Rage" or "KA Rage" (kick ass rage") idk why. Our instructor is 67, half deaf, and has vertigo but somehow someway she gets a damn good show together. And we've done only flag for everything but this year we finally expanded to weapon and again, somehow by the grace of god, we did it. We do the circle before our half time show but we say the our father then we do our chant thing, its hard to explain.There was also girl bullying one of our guard girl's on instagram and 5 or 6 of us gave it right back to her. That girl was so petty just saying. No matter what happens at the end of the day, whether it be losing a competition or having a stressful practice, we always come out as one team, one family, united by our love of the sport."
some once said...

"Family may sometimes be between blood, but Family is more about the bond we share with one another and that's really all that matters,"

 This is the epitome of guard. Going through things together strengthens that bond that we share and I hope that we can all share this bond with each other at the end of the day.
   if you have any post ideas, questions, comment, and concerns just email me :, kik: itsaguardtthingblog, or DM me on the Instagram page : @__itsaguardthing__  

Monday, February 22, 2016

10 things that are guard problems

Have you ever notice that almost everything you do, only guard people will understand?? All the time I do something and I feel like its so relatable to guard and I cant help doing it. For example...


10. Spinning random objects

Image result for gift wrapping paper rolls

I know I'm not the only one in this world that goes to the store and plays with the gift wrap or goes to office depot and plays with the wooden sticks. If you haven't done it in guard you are missing out because its so much fun

9. Practicing in front people who are not on guard

I know I'm not the only one that gets stared at when practicing due to the fact that its guard, everyone will stare because it looks so weird to them, and it will forever go through there minds on why would someone do that. at the end of the day, people will stare and you will still be in guard

8. Having the messiest guard bag ever

I promise you, this is most of the girls on guard life!! I went through one of my friends bag to get a charger and it felt like it was lost in there forever and will never be found again, but I did and it came out deck in make-up and glitter, that's why I make sure to

7. finding random bruises
Image result for random bruises
I have too many of these to worth a lifetime. There have been so many times where I found a bruise and it just be in the most random places ever but, its grown natural to me
6. Hitting yourself while doing the work
Worst pain ever but, you have to go through it like its nothing all the time

5. Being late to class because you were getting ready
If I go to school looking a hot mess and sweating, then play myself as a fool but, if I come in late looking fresh hen I'm doing myself a favor by looking good and feeling good too #keytosuccess

4. Having only one person that can really do the show hair and makeup well
Image result for show hair and makeup
3.spilling glitter

Image result for spilt glitter
Even though it pretty, Its a mess to clean up and even if you clean it up, its still there!!! This is why I love and hate glitter.

2. The spelling of sabre or saber
Image result for sabers color guard

To be honest, one sabre is spelled sabre, two its sabers, but at the end of the day, you can call it betty for all I care, WE ALL JUST SPIN IT!!!
1.being called cheerleaders
Image result for its colorguard not cheer

I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever in my life be a busted cheerleader, its not my style.
 if you have any post ideas, questions, comment, and concerns just email me :, kik: itsaguardtthingblog, or DM me on the Instagram page : @__itsaguardthing__