Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Guard Commandments


In The Bible, God gave to man the "Ten Commandments" to obey to. In Colorguard, we have something by the name of the "Guard Commandments," which are ten guard commandments that we all must follow

Thou shalt catch properly

this needs to be push more into more into technique. You must catch solid or it looks sloppy, then it's not a clean show and then you have to deal with it not being so good and everyone wants a really good show, so catch it solid. Also, don't chunk or throw it into the air, toss it!! Its better to toss than to throw it.

Thou shalt be as clean as possible

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, whether you know it or not you must be clean and together with your group or is just looks like a carwash and not one wants a carwash show. Remember, count or face the devil (instructors) at practice.

Thou shalt practice when ever thou can

I think I say this way too much for comfort and you should have heard this over several million times from your instructor, Practice makes Perfect so PRACTICE!!! If you have free time, practice, before practice, practice, and whenever you need to, practice. Even Beyoncé practices in her heels before she gets out there and perform, so you should practice with your equipment just as much as she practice in her heels.

Image result for practice makes perfect color guard

Thou must say dut dut out and catch

Every time you toss, you must catch, so every time you spin, you must count and say dut dut out and catch for every toss. Saying it will keep you in tempo more than ever and when your whole group says it, you will be together.
Image result for colorguard toss quote

Thou shalt never be seen not performing

If your not close to Beyoncé your not doing it right and Beyoncé is goals. performance draws everyone in and places them in the show and if you can't draw them into  the show, your wasting your time and their time too so, by all means, don't waste time.

Thou must always whip it, flip it, and strip it

This is not really important but its something that every guard does, like how everyone breaths in air.

Thou shalt always use glitter

GLITTER IS LIFE!!!!! But, too much is deadly
Image result for glitter is life

Thou must have makeup and hair done

If your not beat, then your not doing it right. It is ESSENTIAL to be beat for every show and your hair must be laid for life every time.
Image result for rupaul out of drag before and after Image result for rupaul out of drag

Thou must never be late to practice

If your not early to practice then your late, if your late then your late to life, and life is a everyday affair, so you shouldn't try be late - an anonymous Diva
Image result for your late


Thou must........SLAY!!!!!

If you do everything I've already stated then, you should....... SLAY!!!!!


if you have any post ideas, questions, comment, and concerns just email me : itsaguarthing72@gmail.com, kik: itsaguardtthingblog, or DM me on the Instagram page : @__itsaguardthing__ 

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