Monday, March 14, 2016

Guard Confessions

So today I realized that I had so many guard confession entries and I thought just to post them here since a lot of you like to read these. There's not a significant order to these confessions and no one name is being dropped. There are a couple of them so please have a seat, sip some tea, and get into a little bit of the shade. ( some of these I did post on he Instagram)

"So on my guard we have this one girl who always tries to out do everyone including our captain (she even tried to become captain and when she didn't get it she threw a fit, even though our captain has the most experience out of all of us) well we were practicing one night on the football field doing some set run through. Well the band director was working with different sections she we were just throwing our rifles trying to get better, well she tried too show off throwing a quad but couldn't catch it for the life of her, well I got tired of her crap and decided to attempt it. I threw it and caught it perfectly, I've never been so happy to make her mad, our instructor even said to her if she could only catch it like it did she would be good!"

"Ok so secret time: In our marching band we can't date other people in the sections because it causes disruptions. Yet everyone in guard is dating either a brass or percussion member. On trips we all have little signals whenever someone is coming and they're with their boyfriends or girlfriends. It's not bad really but it's funny cause our band director we think knows but she seems to have just given up. So our band caption has been a total bitch to our whole guard team (which both me and her are in.) She complains all the time about how she gets sick and dizzy at practices yet she joined ROTC, which is way more physically demanding! It makes no sense. So our gaurd created a group chat where we just rant about all our problems with her and just rant. We've came up with the nickname "queen" for her because she's always acting like she is so much better than us. Its so funny that nobody in the guard team doesn't like her and her boyfriend because he gets away with coming to guard meetings because he's 'honorary guard' and isn't distracting -newsflash MAKING OUT IS DISTRACTING AMD NASTY. anyways ya that's our story "

"I secretly hate my guard Captain but I love our friendship. She just uses the excuse that sense she's been there the longest, she gets the best equipment and she's the best when really she's not and I feel really bad for being so mean. She's always getting mad at us too, but my guard instructor is starting to see that someone else is a better leader for us and I'm pretty happy about that"

"Ok so during marching season we were having guard sectionals out on the practice field. Well, we're going through the show and we're taking chunks and it just so happens that the chunk we were taking had a quad before it. The director tells us to take the toss and I throw my rifle into the biggest gust of wind I've ever felt only to have it hit me in the face. Aaaaand that's the story of how I got my first (and very intense) bloody nose and managed to bend my septum!"
"So the other day we were practicing in the commons (we usually practice in the auditorium) which so happens to be where track practices(and my crush is in track).We were practicing an exchange and I couldn't  toss on the right count. Then coach yells "alright let's do that again for (my name) because (my name) can't get the counts right". So of course the track team including my crush walks past us and hears everything coach had said. And my crush was the closest one to coach when she was yelling Ok so like one time we were doing flags and my instructor decides to stand behind me and I hadn't noticed until I hit him in the head but in the end I didn't care cause he is always bragging that he ain't got feelings and that nothing hurts him lol" 

 "so our past guard captains have been total bitches ( example: for band banquet last year's captain came and smoked pot outside of the building ) and our new Captain was the sweetest and she was so amazing until we realized she drinks sooo much. She gave beer and vodka to other girls on the guard right before comp!!! Anyone reading this just please know if someone is like this tell your coach or coaches right away, it's not safe and it's dangerous."

"One time during a performance it started raining after we started (and obviously the performance is almost 10 minutes long y'know) and I decided to wear my glasses that day. So the wind was blowing in my face and I had water all over my glasses, my hair was a mess, and I stumbled very obviously with a single toss and stepped on my butterfly flags WHICH were also folded wrong so they didn't come apart in time and I was the only one jazz walking with two sticks wrapped in silks instead of this beautiful illusion. Not to mention another girl accidentally tossed her rifle later in the routine and it went FLYING so she had to chase after it before joining back in with the routine"

"Okay so on my first season at tryouts, I not only hit a senior in the head with a pop toss, but I also hit myself in the head and knocked myself out "

"Once during a performance we were doing silk tosses and I tossed and the girl beside me caught it... With her face she got knocked out and we went to the emergency room and we never got to Finnish our performance but we got first place because they felt bad for us"

"Once when it was my first year I was doing a rifle solo and my rifle flew into the bleachers and I had to run and get it. The same time the entire team fell over and everyone thought it was part of the dance so they all clapped and we won first place that was not part of the routine"

"This isn't really something I've done, but It's still relevant. So, before I was in guard one of the girls stole a cart from Home Depot to use for our tarp. They just walked out with it & nobody stopped them. And now that's the cart we always use. Our coach knows, but she pretends not to bcuz our old cart is super janky"

"We have a flag partner toss in our winter show and my partner is a bad flag and rifle but the instructors always baby her. And she kept over doing my toss and I always got it to her. So I started not tossing it right and I almost gave the girl in front of us a concussion. But now I am the one who gets yelled at for dropping the toss when hers barely makes it to me and I still have to run after it"

"Hard it wasn't even considered a laugh and then started sobbing and dropped to my knees and was on the floor for a good 5 minutes sobbing and my friend felt bad and my coach were scared  and thought I hit myself really hard but in reality I was having a melt down from all the stress from school family and being on varsity guard lol"

"one time during a winter guard rehearsal we were doing across the floors and i was like feeling  myself that day like hardcore and we did everything until we did chasse sauté and then on our way back my brain totally blanked out and it took my coach ten minutes to teach me them again and I am a 3 year vet. my first winter season my coach put me on all of the pieces of equipment (so main flag line, main gun line, and the main sabre line) and he was having us do some basic sabre tosses and my captain says her favorite piece of equipment is sabre and she is best at it on the first day I passed her skill set and now she just stares at me and I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me. oh well. that's none of my business  sip my Lipton tea 

So, it was pretty windy one day. And I may or may have not "let go" of my flag pole just at the right time for it to fly away from me and hit a VERY ANNOYING pit percussionist. Hit her right in the back of the head. I will never forget the sound it made. I still don't feel that bad. I blamed it on the wind 
Anon please: we used to have this drum instructor in our band. Later on guard (only some of us found out) he was sleeping with some girl in pit! about a year later my couch starts snap chatting him and he says he likes this girl in guard?! We find out it's my friend that's only 16 and he's only like 21!!!!what should I do"

"My sophomore year, I was named captain of my high school guard, much to the dismay of the senior girls. They spent the whole season trying to bring me down, but little did they know, I had eyes and ears everywhere. I reported them to my coach and my band director, and they were both kicked off and asked not to come back the following year. I still have the screenshots "

"There's two girls in the guard that I hate and I'm honestly next to them the entire routine. And were all beginners and one of them think there captain , and the other doesn't try. But there's this one part when were doing a thumb flip and they pass by me and I always move my arm out a little farther just so I can hit her. The choreographer even yelled at her for being in my way."

"So one guard member he started clapping three times in a row just for no reason. Then everyone started doing it in the guard and we realized it sounded like the beginning to holler back girl by Gwen Stefani. So we started going * clap clap clap* "uh huh!" To the point where now we do rifle drop spins at that speed and it spread through the entire band. Everything is evolved around those three claps lol"

"I quit colorguard after field season because everyone yelled at me and the coach was ugh. And i didn't like it anymore. But I totally regret it and I miss the bomb a flag team so much"

As a former guard captain of four years I once had an annoying girl try to join guard and I thought I'd give her a chance. Turned out she was a total bitch baby couldn't or wouldn't memorize any work and actually tried to get me removed as captain for making her do ten push-ups. It back fired though cause my bd was tired of her shit and she got kicked out of band entirely.

"So this marching season, we had a guard of 17 people. Most of them were okay, but had very dramatic tendencies. Because one girl was so poisonous, she ended up causing 10 other people to quit with her for Winterguard. They come up to us and ask if our coach is "still a brute" and other shit like that, but the best part is that our team of 7 is so much better this season. We moved up a division and haven't stopped winning. It's great to see their fake smiles when they ask us how we're doing."

"So one time during winterguard practice I overheard my director say no one in this guard can do more than a 3, so with my instincts I grabbed my rifle and did a 7 and then proceeded to do a 5 with a turn."

So our captain quit on us right before competition and at the awards, we placed and they called her name even tho she quit a month before. Tbh, nobody even really liked her and low key happy when she left.

"I tore a piece of skin from my hand on the prop during my show last year and free bled everywhere. I got little spatters on the floor and my flag but no one noticed (I still have the scar)"

"Well this one girl was being a complete bitch to every girl on the team and would always bring in her boyfriend and make out. So we made a group chat to rant about her. She also would yell at us during practice if we messed up once cause she thought she was "queen" so we made things harder on her so she would mess up and stop yelling at us. Also this one game she like wouldn't listen to the captain on a change in the pose so we moved the whole pose so she couldn't mess it up. Oops  She ended up yelling at the captain and tried to tell the director but the director got tired of her bulling us and didn't listen either. Now we just don't include her on most of the things we do as a team. We even crop her out the pictures "

"Okay so once a friend of mine in guard was getting beaten by her rifle all of practice. She smacked her face with the rifle and somehow managed to hit her back. Later I was explaining that she needs to take it easy. Toward the end of practice I was taking a few high tosses trying to get higher than usually however she decides to approach me right when I throw my highest, her face was down when she came towards me so I screamed at her to move, she got so close the rifle smacked her right in the boobs I've never laughed so hard in one day."
"One time I was doing this weird rifle toss for winter guard and it hit my ankle really hard in the middle of a run through I fell down and started laughing bc of the pain. And it was the intense, dark part of the show Don't ask why I was laughing it was weird. But i broke my ankle Not really a confession as much as a great story but oh well :))))"

"So there's a guy on guard who originally liked one of my friends (also on the guard) and they weren't that cute together...tbh... and now we're dating and she still flirts with him. I just don't know what to do. Cause I feel like he still likes her a little bit and only moved onto me because she got a boyfriend (that wasn't him)"
"Okay I'm a freshman and I made captain for my sophomore year, and it's supposed to be a juniors spot. This girl. Is being so rude to me and telling me I don't deserve to be captain because I'm trash at guard. At winter guard practice if I'm helping someone she will just come next to me and start teaching them and just ignores that I'm even there. I don't want the marching season to be like this.

So its last practice and i was really feeling hype and of course it was super windy that day too. I was excited to finish the season (because it was my first) so I put all my effort into making this last practice a good one. Well due to the wind the girl next to me dropped her flag and I didn't know.. until i whipped my flag down really hard to do a front spin and almost gave her a concussion. Opps, my bad.."

"one time during band camp our band had this visual where they did the whip (not actually, but the leg motion) and everyone was like "WHIP!". So when no one was looking, I did the whip and threw my flag and it fell on the ground. I'm pretty sure the whole drumline saw me and that includes my crush so... I have another one too lol, at the beginning of our marching show, we had this thing where we lined the field (basically just made a rectangle around the field before we walked to our first drill spot). Well I was on the 45 yard line and the guy I liked was on the 50 (one person in between us) Anyway, when the marching competitions started getting closer, out director decided that we would have a march on where there are 2 lines and then we reach a certain point and then go to line the field. Anyway, when we go to do this march on thing, my crush ends up right behind me (he knows I like him & I've liked him for 6 months and we still haven't spoken becuz we are both hella shy) well he is bass drum 4 & he bumped into me so many times & I couldn't even say anything & I don't know if you've ever gotten hit with a bass drum, but it doesn't feel good (especially to the spine) so I got hit many times through the season & not to mention that I also had a snare drum next to me so my ears bled"

"Okay, so I've been hit in the nose 3 times. Once my friend turned around while I was walking behind her and hit me with her flag. The other time I don't exactly remember how it happened but it was cut, bruised and swollen. So I went to the doctor and he said I needed surgery. And last night at practice we have a part in our show when someone stands on the chair and drop the sabre in our hands but the girl was too close and it hit my nose really hard and now it's cut again"

"I've really tried hard this year to get on my coach's good side but I think I ruined it last week. I was practicing high tosses on my riffle and I was doing great and then I dropped my toss...on my coach's phone. I looked like a ghost when she came over. Guess who is getting her a new protective case for the first secret Santa next year, this girl" 

"Once I was doing a 45 and I had a rifle on the ground and the silk caught the rifle strap and the rifle gave me a black eye for a month and when everyone asked what happened to me I say that I'm lucky to be alive"

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