Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Secrets In Guard

Guard itself, is a great community of art, bonding, friendship, and love. But, there are flaws in the community including rumors, allegations, and tales of bribery in guard . Tonight, I wanted to hit two of the biggest allegations in guard out there and give my opinion on them.

The race allegations

In today's society, racism is one of the biggest issues that is being brought to attention. There is a Allegations going  on that some of the independent guards are picking based on racial background. It's base on a chart or picking order that some people developed back in the day (around the beginning of DCI).
the order was rumored to be
  1. Caucasian
  2. Hispanic or Latino descent
  3. Asian descent
  4. African,  Caribbean, or African American descents( which is rumored to have started the j-sette auxiliaries movement)
my opinion-  I hope that this is true but, I do believe since a lot of the community is acceptance of lgbt spinners on their teams, they would have acceptance of any race wanting and willing to do colorguard but, we never know what the other state of mind may be.

Image result for races ethnicity

Bribery  in guard -

There are some a lot teams have been rumored to have bribe there judges to get them into or on top of the circuit. This rumor mostly stands from the Carolina Crowns vs Blue Devils Debauchery and the statements made by fans surrounding the issue that some of the shows that Carolina Crown have done was robbed of first place by the Blue Devils and it was to believed secretly that bribe the judges into winning

Image result for bribery

my opinion- This is definitely not true. I mean, yea, Carolina Crown should have won but at the same time, The Blue devils also had really amazing shows as well. As fans, we should just appreciate the artistry and respect that both teams were truly amazing, but there are judges who are in some state circuits that are bribed and pushed into letting someone's team win. We should start appreciating colorguard more instead of trying to win a contest  and that's what it looks like sometimes coming down to.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this. If you have an opinion on this, any comment you want to make, or a post ideas, please share via Instagram: @__itsaguardthing__, kIK: itsaguardthingblog,  Or  Email me at Itsaguardthing72@gmail.com


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