Friday, May 27, 2016

Guard Story: I Threw My Rifle To Jesus Christ Himself

So this story is from @modern_hippiee on Instagram of  How not to get close to a moving Rifle


 "My freshmen year in guard I wanted to try every piece of equipment out. Half way through the year I started to get into rifle.

One day when our guard instructor left on a trip, the jv winter guard was outside practicing. I had finally gotten my quad down and wanted to show everybody (and I did ) some of my friends told me to try and get a five.

 Well let me tell you I warned everyone to watch out and I threw my rifle to Jesus Christ himself and one of the girls outside comes up next to me and I yell for her to watch out, and she runs towards the rifle. Her head busted open, blood went everywhere, and now I'm on rifle line and can toss a 6."

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Guard story: Because of that I'm now called Doc Mc


This one is kind of a painful story to listen to from @summer_time_all_the_time on Instagram


"Okay so the first one is right before the Marching band (Pearl City) was going to a parade in Chicago for McDonalds, me and my captain couldn't go so we were just tossing our flags. At one point the wind pushed the flag back and I accidently caught it within the silk and the pole came around and hit my elbow.


 (Side note my elbow is not very good due to previous injury) so it felt like something moved and fell to the ground cursing. My captain came over and said that I should go to our band director. But I really didn't want to do that because I'm a prideful person. So I told her I have an idea.


 So I tossed the flag again and caught it the same way leading it to hit my elbow once more. I felt something move back and my captain came back over to me. I was smiling really big and I put my arms outstretched on her shoulders and sad seriously "I should be a doctor!". Now, I deal with alot of injurys in guard like broken fingers and a lip getting cut and because of that I'm now called Doc Mc."

Wednesday, May 25, 2016



So this is a story from one of you guys and they ask to be anonymous so you know its gonna be good

" Last year, I was a senior in high school and I was on colorguard for 4 years if you wanted to know. Junior year, I met the guy of my dreams and we started dating, little did I know that he was on colorguard as well. At his old high school, he march rifle for two years and flag for one. I told him he should try out (bad idea). He did it and made it on rifle as well.
 At the time, I was excited and very happy before marching season started, but it was at the first game when all hell started. We were about to go march out to the game and he standing right behind me and kept saying your not in tempo before we even started to march out to the game, I had let that slide because maybe I wasn't and he just looking out for me.  During the game, he constantly kept annoying me, saying what I should and should not eat, and tried to critique my toss even though we were on different sides of the field and had different types of work.
 That kept going on all through football season Soon it was like a love-hate relationship, I would hate him on the field and love him off the field, it just was so confusing. When winterguard season came up that was the worst time and that's when I broke the straw (my grandma says that).
 We had partner work together were we  had to pass  the rifle back and forth then do a switch and catch the other person's rifle. I loved the work but hated him as my partner. He made us do it almost 50 times and would blame it on me the hold time. I was done at that point, I told him I was done and we were over.
 He decided to quit before state championships and I was relief, soon I went to try out for a college colorguard and I saw him. WE SAID NOTHING TO EACH OTHER. I whined up never seeing him again because he did not make the team because of his attitude. I was actually kind of glad he did not make it and that I met someone like him because he taught me a lot and this would not have been such a great story with a great message...... Never date someone on colorguard while your on colorguard. Also if you do, make sure its worth it and they're not like my ex."
If you have a story just as juicy as there story was, story share via  
kik: itsaguardthingblog
dm on Instagram: @__itsaguardting__

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Guard Story: "I Was Livid And Ready To Fight"

Ok so, I want to share a guard story with you guys from the time I almost fought Three times on a game day

So, it was marching season and my junior year, we were on our third home game and everything was going well. I got to the school and started stretching and started practicing, As I was practicing, this teacher walk pass me and whispered "can you take that outside," since its wasn't on school time  and I was being petty, I said " do we have a problem??" obviously he ignored me like it was nothing but that teacher knew not to play with me. So when it was time to get dress, I got dressed and was feeling myself a little because I look good

We had to wait for the band to get ready and lined up. As soon as they were lined up then, we walked down to the field and waited for the game to start. This one guy kept pointing and staring towards me and talking to his other football player friends like I got a problem with him so I'm sitting there staring at them like

Image result for blameitonkway
Then, he finally walked away and I have yet to see his ass ever again. Soon after, The game Started Like usual, the same stuff happened like what happens at every game, National anthem and then the kick off. Once it got to half time, I was all ready to do our show and I was in show make up and everything.
 When I did the show I felt so good I was so proud of myself, honestly its was  a really good run through. So I'm all Like
Image result for I slay
Then Out of NO WHERE, I hear from the Stands on the opposing side 

"YOU A BOY N%?*@ !!!!"

( I bleeped out the word because I'm black and I really don't like when people call me that word)
 Then I get to the point where I'm ready To fight anyone and I was about to climb in those stands and fight anyone who said something to me. I WAS LIVID AND READY TO FIGHT but, I couldn't because my instructor was holding me back and told me to just go put my stuff up and go home because I was too heated to stay. So then that Monday, I found out the guy got fine with public intoxication and had to pay $100 or go to court ( he paid the $100).
I felt relief because its unfair what happens to guys on guard because we are guys and what we do is considered a girly thing but it will never be fair to us because everyone want us to play football or be into sports and yet to realize guard as a sport. I Hope A lot of guard guys can relate with me because they had almost the same issue. I feel for  anyone having to deal with those people who tell them How " guard is for girls" and having to deal with being Called out there names. I hope you guys can share this story to someone who is going through the same thing and help them get ready for anything this marching season brings to them

Friday, May 20, 2016

Guard of the week -Morris Community High School Guard

This week's Guard of the week is....

Morris community high school guard

from Morris, IL
Morris community Guard is a new team from Illinois who just started their winterguard program three years ago. They have been recognized not only by the local winterguard circuit ,but as well as the school they attend and the regional WGI circuits
 This year, they have gotten consecutive 1st places in the Midwest colorguard circuit SRA-W (except one time when they got 3rd). They have also became the Midwest colorguard SRA-W champs and were WGI St. Louis regional SRA champs!, to top that off, it was their first time ever going to WGI!
 Very dedicated, the team works super hard and practices almost everyday at home and with all their hard work, they do whatever they need to be successful. Who knows where this team may land with their success, bumped up to another classes or even hitting the WGI stage! Either way you can see a lot going for this team

"We are no longer just the "flag girls"

Congrats Guard of the Week

Morris Community High School Guard


Check them out in action:

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Guardie of he week- Lauren

This week's Guardie of the week is...


from Kokomo, IA

 Lauren is apart of the Kokomo Color Guard.  She joined guard because it looked fun and her friends were going to tryout. She whined up making her high school guard her sophomore year.
Her favorite thing about guard is meeting the new people every year and performing an her favorite toss (on flag) is a 45 toss catch under the leg, (on rifle) is a quad turn around or a 5 with a cabriel underneath, and (on sabre) a quad catch with an attitude.

"I love guard because I love the rush I get when performing. Hopefully I will see myself marching in DCI in the future."


Congrats Guardie of the week


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Ways to make money for your guard

One thing I know enough of is the fact that being in guard is EXSPENSIVE!!! Just having a high school guard is expensive and just thinking about how much independent groups put into there shows is even worst, but I got help for you guys. These are 8 things I know for sure will help any group with money problems.

food Sales

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People Love Food!!!! So why not sell food to the people. Things like homemade bake sales, selling plate dinners, and other food fundraisers will definitely help your guard raise any amount of money to pay for things your guard needs.


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With showcases, you can not only charge for admission, but as well get your guard out in the public eye. Also, you can charge other guards to come and perform for a small cost too so you can make all the money possible.


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Clinics can be suitable for guard members and people who want to do guard. If you can make it at a reasonable price for everyone to go , I'm sure you can make some amounts of money for your guard. All you need is a gym and a instructor to manage it.

company work

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There are a lot of fast food restaurants  and local businesses who will donate 10% of  the cost of each sale to the group in need of fundraising if they help work and sell their products. If you call and ask around, I'm sure there will be one looking to help.

business sponsors

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With running a business, you have to contribute in some kind of charity or fundraising work so when its time to file their taxes, they will get a tax deduction for helping a group. This is where your team comes in, if you can gain a sponsor, not only will they help your team, but also you will help that company with branding and getting there information to people.

fundraiser parties

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Almost everyone likes a party, so why not throw a party  and charge people to get in and it can be in any type of party your team wants it to be, like an elegant masquerade or some kind of rave, just get people to come and charge them to come in.


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Patreon is a crowdfunding platform popular with YouTube content creators, musicians, and artists. It allows artists to obtain funding from their fans or patrons, on a recurring basis, or per artwork. With patreon, people can pay to help you continue your work monthly by paying a certain amount of money and with this comes perks where they get things from you guys depending on how much they donate monthly

Catalog sales

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With catalog sales, you can actually sell things that people want and get money back!! A lot of band programs sell them so, you may have done it yourselves to help raise money for your band fees, or spring trip.

Got a question, comment, concern, or something you want me to post about??? Share it with me via
KIK: itsaguardthingblog
 or Dm on Instagram