Thursday, May 26, 2016

Guard story: Because of that I'm now called Doc Mc


This one is kind of a painful story to listen to from @summer_time_all_the_time on Instagram


"Okay so the first one is right before the Marching band (Pearl City) was going to a parade in Chicago for McDonalds, me and my captain couldn't go so we were just tossing our flags. At one point the wind pushed the flag back and I accidently caught it within the silk and the pole came around and hit my elbow.


 (Side note my elbow is not very good due to previous injury) so it felt like something moved and fell to the ground cursing. My captain came over and said that I should go to our band director. But I really didn't want to do that because I'm a prideful person. So I told her I have an idea.


 So I tossed the flag again and caught it the same way leading it to hit my elbow once more. I felt something move back and my captain came back over to me. I was smiling really big and I put my arms outstretched on her shoulders and sad seriously "I should be a doctor!". Now, I deal with alot of injurys in guard like broken fingers and a lip getting cut and because of that I'm now called Doc Mc."

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